Rose Carnation Bouquet | Beauty in Bloom
This bouquet was inspired by man who would like to thank his mom by requesting a pastel bouquet. Our artisan florist designer crafted it in a way that these flowers represent his mom’s beauty and youth. When the son has slowly grown up, it also means that his mother is getting older and older. However, his mother’s youth and beauty will never fade away in his mind.
This bouquet consist of a blend of pink and green carnations, together with champagne eustoma and cream rose. Pink carnation is often given as a symbol of heartfelt gratitude to say, “Thank you” and also “I will never forget you. Ideal gift on Mother’s day to thank her for her selfless dedication.
Flowers | Carnation, Eustoma, Rose |
Approx. 40cm (L) x 55cm (H)
Free delivery for purchase $150 and above.
Service is available from Monday to Saturday.
Delivery timing slot:
10:00 – 17:00
19:00 – 21:30 (additional $15 delivery fee )
Cut-off time for delivery:
Order before 3pm, earliest delivery slot is next day 10:00 – 17:00
Order after 3pm, earliest delivery slot is the following day 10:00 – 17:00
Express delivery (2-3 hours turnover time upon order received):
Additional charge of $25 will apply. Please contact us at +65 9176 1879 before placing your order and we will do our best to accommodate your request.
✓ Clean vase, change the water entirely every 2-3 days
✓ Use sharp scissors when cutting remove leaves under the water and wilting flowers
✓ Trim at least a 2cm of stem off your flowers at a 45 degrees before putting them in a vase and each time you change the water
✓ Use “flower food”
✓ Keep flowers away from heat and bright light.
✓ Avoid sitting your flowers beside ripening fruit or vegetables, especially bananas and apples.
✓ Place in aircon room to prolong the lifespan.
Each arrangement is handcrafted specially and exclusively for you.
Some flowers/fillers are seasonal, therefore all flowers and/or fillers are subject to availability. In the event where flowers and/or filler types are unavailable, it will be replaced with similar flowers and/or fillers of the same range without prior notice.
Please be assured that we only hand-pick the finest and beautiful blooms for each arrangements with the closest presentation.
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